Restart Linux system

To restart a Linux system, you use the reboot command

#reboot (press enter)

restart  1

restart 1


#init 6 (press enter)

Restart 2

Restart 2


You can use the familiar MS-DOS “three finger”: Ctral+Alt+Del

Shutdown Linux system

To  shut down a Linux system,you use the shutdown command.

#shutdown  –h now (press enter)

shutdown 1

shutdown 1


#init 0 (press enter)

shutdown 2

shutdown 2


#halt (press enter)

shutdown 3

shutdown 3

Editing text file

Earlier, we mentioned that a central feature of Linux is that configuration files typically are plain text files. In fact, plain text is a common format on Linux. Therefore, it is essential that users be familiar with a plain text editor.

Red Hat Enterprise   Linux   contains many plain text editors. Arguably, the most popular, most powerful and most ubiquitous plain text editor in the Linux and UNIX worlds is vi the upgraded version vim.

To Start vim just type and enter

#vi or vim

Vi editor

Vi editor

Other One of the easiest editors is nano, a plain text editor that runs in a terminal window. It is available on most all Red Hat Enterprise Linux System.

To start nano simple type the nono command and enter or nano run using the Ctrl Key


nano editor

nano editor