Rules for creating strong password

The rules for creating strong passwords are fairly well understood:

  1. Use a minimum of eight characters; more characters are better, as long as you are comfortable remembering them and typing them.
  2. Do not base the password on a dictionary Word.
  3. Use a variety different types of characters ; use at least three of the following:
  1. Avoid using your real name, login name or variations there of
  2. Avoiding using easy to determine personal information, such as your birthday, anniversary, etc.
  3. Avoid using formulas, such as 1+1=2
  4. Avoid excessive complexity if it tempts you to perform such unsafe practices as writing the password onto a notepad near your monitor.

By default the system performs some cheeks to ensure that a weak password is not chosen. If you enter such a password, the system will return an error message and allow you to try again.